Collection: Classic Horror Posters

Rick Melton Art Prints

Rick Melton Art Prints | Classic Horror

Wild Star Hearts presents a unique range of classic horror art prints featuring art by the renowed horror artist Rick Melton. Inside this collection you will find all of your classic horror favourites. As well as hammer horror legends such as Christopher Lee and Boris Karloff.

If Classic Horror isn't really your thing, why not check out our other Rick Melton Art Prints collection: 

Trash Horror, Sci-Fi, Classic Horror, Scream Queens , Suzi Shaw, Erotic Horror

Here's what Rick has to say about this collection of classic horror art prints:

We all have differing opinions on what constitutes a classic horror film. The Bride of Frankenstein is supposedly at the top of the list. Although many, me included, rate it as the campest bunch of twaddle this side of Moulin Rouge.

I couldn’t make it through the week without my regular fix of Frankenfish though and I await a sequel the way others await the Second Coming or the re-emergence of Elvis. I think it’s safe to say that any horror film that hasn’t been sold off the back of a huge great pair of jiggling jugs is a ‘classic’ simply because it would have to be! Unfortunately the amount of movies I’ve painted that doesn’t feature a huge great pair of jiggling jugs amounts to about three! Nevermind.

I’ve dug you up some horror star portraits, some Hammer Film sketches and a bunch of Arrow Video covers that I did for films which would be in the Badly Dubbed and Tedious section if we had one but we don’t so they’ve wound up here. Enjoy!

As always, you can find all of Rick's artwork over on his website.

Classic Horror Posters