Collection: Sci-Fi Posters

Rick Melton Art Prints

Rick Melton Art Prints | Classic Horror

Wild Star Hearts presents a unique range of sci-fi art prints featuring art by the renowed horror artist Rick Melton. Inside this collection you will find all of your sci-fi favourites.

If Sci-Fi isn't really your thing, why not check out our other Rick Melton Art Prints collection: 

Trash Horror, Sci-Fi, Classic Horror, Scream Queens , Suzi Shaw, Erotic Horror

Here's what Rick has to say about this collection of sci-fi art prints:

Welcome to my new Sci-Fi page! I’m not really known for my science fiction stuff. But since Ghoulish Publishing brought out Infinity as a sister magazine to The Dark Side I’ve had to knock them up a few covers. So I asked my web designer where I could stick ‘em.

As they wouldn’t all fit up there I then asked him to create a scintillating new page and scrap the old ORIGINAL ART one.

If you fancy a nice Rick Melton original (or even one of my more usual smutty ones) pop on over to Ebay and check out my auctions. You might snap yourself up a bargain, although I’m obviously hoping you don’t!

As always, you can find all of Rick's artwork over on his website.

Sci-Fi Posters